Comprehensive mobile app for the use of outreach workers engaged in the Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV

About P-HMMS

The project was operational for over 55 months before being handed over to the Government.

The program was implemented in 24 Indian states and 2 Union Territories across 257 districts in India.

The project was funded by The Global Fund and implemented with the support of NACO, the Ministry of Health, Government of India.

The program won the mBillionth Award in South Asia.

Stemming the transmission of HIV

Prevention of the transmission of HIV from Parent to Child is a key objective of the PPTCT Health Management and Monitoring System (P-HMMS). The P-HMMS is a mobile app installed on low-cost mobile devices that outreach workers use. The app is based on workflows defined by the IL & FS in collaboration with the National AIDS Control Society (NACO).

The application covers functionalities like enrollment, registration, auto-generated workflows for the day/week, medical visits, and more. Argusoft built the P-HMMS application using its proprietary MEDPlat platform.


PHMMS is a mobile and web-based solution. It ensures the continuum of care to HIV-positive pregnant women (Clients) in India via the PPTCT (Prevention of Parent To Child Transmission) program – a NACO initiative. The mobile platform provides for the accurate data capture of each event at the functional point of the ORWs (Out Reach Workers).

These ORWs are the touch point for following HIV-positive pregnant women. The system also generates automatic reminders for each event, right from initiating an HIV test for pregnant women, testing for partners of positive women, regular ART visits, and delivery to follow-up visits for the mother and the child. ORWs are able to call the clients and send SMS directly within the application. The data captured on the mobile device is automatically synced with the central server as and when the signal is available.

PHMMS was built using MEDplat (a low-code comprehensive public health management platform developed by Argusoft). MEDplat provided built-in features like Registration, Medical Visit details, Assessment and Plan. This enabled the Developers to quickly develop the new features and customize existing ones to arrive at the solution faster. The program won the mBillionth Award in South Asia.


Effective Tracking

Effective identification of positive pregnant mothers and staying in close contact with them throughout the pregnancy to ensure drug adherence.

Continuous care at the doorstep

Contiuum of care maintained by effective service delivery through triaging and follow-ups


Complete digitization of the workflow, ensuring effective tracking of beneficiaries and a better reporting mechanism

Multi-language support

Multi-language support for better ease of use and accessibility by primary users

Configurable Reports/Charts

Ensure ease of reporting and better monitoring by transforming the supervisory paradigm